In this example, you will use a basic set of functions to create a data collection form containing name, address, DOB along with radio button and drop down selections. If you would like to view the form on a patient record, before you begin, ensure you have created at least one product called ‘Drs Consult - 30mins’ otherwise you can ignore this part of the process. You will now create the following example form:
Start by creating a new ‘Active’ Appointment Module called ‘Patient Information’ and assign it to the ‘Drs Consult - 30mins’ product. The example form image details seven rows of information, so be sure to click the ‘Add a new row’ button seven times.
Double click the first new row and select the ‘Paragraph’ control option. Enter a sentence or two that you would like to display as information or instructions about the form. When complete, click ‘Apply’.
Your form setup page should resemble the following:
Double click the next empty row (row 2) and select the ‘Heading’ control option. Add the text ‘Your Details’ in the Title field and click Apply.
In the third empty row, first select the ‘Split Cell’ function to divide the row in to two even cells. Next, select the left most cell and split again. At this point, you should have three cells in one row. The left most cell should still be selected - click split once more. The row should now resemble the following:
Using the ‘Define Cell Width’ button >, adjust the first cell one time, then adjust the second cell one time. You should now have three cells with an even width and a fourth cell spanning half of the entire form width.
Double click the first cell and select the function as ‘Dropdown’. Enter a title as ‘Title’ and ensure ‘Show Title:’ is selected. Under the ‘Choices’ section, enter ‘Mr’ in the available field, then select the ‘Add New Choice’ button. A new empty choice field will be made available. Complete the process over again adding the other titles as ‘Mrs, Miss, Ms and Dr.
When complete, click Apply. Your form setup page should resemble the following:
Next, double click the cell to the right of ‘Title’ and select the control as ‘Textbox’. Complete the configuration as follows and select ‘Apply’ when complete:
Your form setup page should now resemble the following:
Staying on the same row, in the third cell, configure this as Surname. In the fourth and largest cell, configure this as ‘Address Line 1’. Your form setup page should now resemble the following:
In the next row (row 4), split this in two. In the first cell select the ‘Radio List’ control and complete as follows, using the ‘Add New Choice’ button for every required choice entry. When complete, click ‘Apply’:
In the right cell, set this up as ‘Address Line 2’
In the next row, (row 5), split this in two. In the first cell select the Date/Range control and complete as follows:
In the right most cell, set this up as ‘Address Line 3’. Your form setup page should now resemble the following:
In the final two rows, split each in two. In the penultimate row, add cell controls as ‘Textbox’ for Nationality and Town/City. In the final row, complete each cell control as ‘Textbox’ using National Insurance Number and County. You have now completed your basic form, which should resemble the following:
To check your general layout, test radio buttons, calendar picker and drop down selections, click on the ‘Preview’ option, which will open a new window in your web browser.
When you now create an appointment for ‘Drs Consult - 30mins’, the data collection form will be available from the ‘Screening tab’ to accompany your clinical notes entry.
In reality, you would not need to collect address information in this way for your patient, as this would already be available on their patient record. Hopefully, you now get the idea of basic form creation.